In my personal opinion, people today have very short tempers. Everything gets us so worked up even if it’s the smallest thing, like someone cutting you off while driving, or something taking too long in the line at the store, or any of the other things that come to your mind when you think of getting angry.
I feel as though I have to walk on egg shells to make sure im making everyone happy.
To make sure that there is not one person I might be making angry. Now, would you consider this a wrong way of living? Some might. Because ULTIMATLEY we are supposed to only live to please God. And that’s what I try to do. I try to live only to serve him. But I feel like I try to turn pleasing God into pleasing people. I love serving. I love volunteering. I love taking time to spend with people who just need to talk. I love doing anything and everything that might include helping someone else. But I think, no, I KNOW that I do it too often. Is that possible? I feel like I tend to ignore my personal issues. The ones I should work out before trying to help someone else, or the fact that I am one of the best procrastinators you may ever meet. Im not sure how to approach this. There are verses on all of these. Not putting things off until tomorrow, putting others above your self, not being lazy, and not being worried. All this stuff that I get caught up in.
Sorry for the tangent. Back to the original topic.
I feel like we waste way to much of our life being upset. Imagine how much easier things would be if some of us just learned to let things go? Someone’s a little late meeting you? Oh well, no one can control traffic. Someone forgets to call you back? There is more to life than keeping up with your cell phone. Plans get ruined? Maybe God stopped them from happening to prevent something else from happening. I don’t know maybe it’s just me. Maybe I should learn to care MORE or something. So this could be a skewed view of the subject. I really don’t care because I honestly feel like the world needs to lighten up, just a tad. Think of the time we waste? Some people go hours, days, months, years, and lifetimes not talking over something miniscule. It’s so lame. I mean, I understand that parents, teachers and who ever else might be an authority figure- yell at you, punish you or get angry with you to teach you life lessons, or academic lessons, whatever. BUT I am sorry, maybe its just me, but I do not think me being 3 minutes late to your class is going to cause the world to stop when I walk through the door and hinder any learning I may receive in that class. I won’t even get started on parental issues. I just think that parents need to learn to let some things go, lighten up a bit. Kids are not perfect. We are learning to live life just as you are learning how to raise us to live it. You freaking out over every single thing that we don’t do right doesn’t help us much but to just realize that we are even more screwed up then we already thought. It’s overwhelming.
Psalms 37:8
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret- it leads only to evil.