Apathy: noun
1.absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
2.lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
2.lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
I think that america is cursed with apathy. And most people that would say they are not apathetic are only concerned with themselves. Which is what is sending america into a downward spiral. We are taught that success is key. You NEED to look perfect, in looking perfect that will help you find the right people you NEED to associate yourself with, in spending time with them it will lead you to being noticed for your status among people, which will lead you to a high status job, which leads you to millions of dollars that you dont need all for yourself which in high hopes leads you to your soul mate who has a higher status job with you (of course)so that they can with out a doubt support you so that the two of you can have a bunch of perfect little kids and live happily ever after. All of which i think is crap. Partly because i want someone to sit me down and explain the deffinition of perfect because until i know amercias definition of it i cant even begin to get started on the next thousand steps that lead you to a perfect life. Which, on a side note, if you look back all are self centered and only focus on your well being in life. Go figure.
The only thing i know of that is and will always be perfect is Jesus. Which is awesome because nothing compares to him. Nothing can give you the satisfaction like he can. I think its him people are searching for. They know somethings missing, cant put a finger on it so they add more money, more houses, more everything that we are over consumed with thinking it will fulfil there empty feeling.
What if, i may be going out on a wild limb here, America took the chance to look to God to fulfil there emptyness. Because if he is the only perfect thing then really you cant consider success with out him, can you? What if we all gained an urgency for God. Instead of looking to ourselves and what we can do to satisfy OUR needs we'd be looking to help others, which alone, would change ALOT of our problems we have now. The list goes on at the possiblites of change.
Thats something i would love to see happen.
As one of by fare the best bands, in my opinon, have said " God i am losing my apathy and God i am gaining an urgency." What if that was our modo. rid ourselves of apathy and gain urgancy for the only thing that falls under the catagory perfect.
Which leads me to another thought. I think that we should change the definition of perfect. Instead of me just typing it in to dictionary.com and getting 15 possible answers i think it should of popped up as
1. God
and that be the end of that search. That would probally help alot of other people out too.
This is kind of hard. I translate better through words but, trying to turn it from just brain storming and random thoughts i have to translate it into something thats readable. And on top of it being readable it has to be easy to follow. Which the way my brain works is not easy unless you understand my thinking pattern. SO its like i just translated my thoughts not only into english but also french spanish and korean. yay for being bilengual.
oh bevens,
what God does through you, amazes me!
I'm glad I know you. You are on my "blog roll" see tutorial monday night :]
<3 you
bahhh britt
this is good ...
idk how i found this lol but i did yay
love you so much
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