I wish innocence was something we had control over. I wish it was something we could keep in our possession and loose it as we please. Not have to leave it up to society, parents, friends, media, t.v., radios, schools, or movies to take it away from us.
I feel like today's kids are deprived of there innocence at way to young of an age. Image, populairty,sexuality, etc., is pushed on them at far to young an age. My 8 year old sister has learned so much just from watching tv that she has more sass than im pretty sure i had at the age of 14. She's already caring about what she wears and how she looks, ive over heard her say phrases and words that i deffinately did NOT say at 8. And it breaks my heart. I feel like having innocence is a special part of growing up.
Honestly, i wish i still had all mine.
Now, i understand that you loose innocence naturally as you grow up. Obviously we realize that its really not Santa Clause sneaking into our house, and its really our parents leaving us the presents under the tree. Or that there's not really a little winged woman who flys house to house each night collecting teeth and tradeing them from her endless supply of money. And we hopefully come to realize that there is no giant bunny that hops around on Easter morning, while we are all still asleep, leaving us easter baskets filled with prizes. These are things that just come to us with age. And thats acceptable.
I also realize that some people would not think i should be, of all people, talking about lack of innonce, seeing how i go to a private christian school. But honestly, im okay with the fact that i still have to ask dumb questions like if weed and crack are the same thing or many of the other things i've asked before. Im alright with not knowing all that. I also understand that with age comes responsiblity and some things people expect you to know, things that force little chips of your innocence away. Also, i know that some people are born into families where innocence is ripped away at a young age and they have nothing to do with it.
But, i wish that we could keep the faith of innocent children. Ones who don't see anything wrong with going to talk to the not so well dressed man on the bench. Or the ones who don't understand why anyone would hurt them if they walked away from their mom in a store. The ones who trust and hang on every single word you say. The ones who look up to their parents and know that no one could surpass how great their mommy and daddy are.
This where i am truly thankful that times have changed and im no where near the age of having a child. Sure i know i could raise a child, helping raise little brothers and sisters prepares you more than you would believe, but, how do parents decide what they are going to let there child watch? How much is to much? Do you let them believe in santa clause but not the easter bunny? I dont know. See i think that there is such a fine line between whats okay and whats to far. Some kids i have grown up with are so sheltered that i fear for them even attempting to enter the real world. Then theres other who know way to much at such a young age that i fear for what they may think of the world. It's such an oppinonated thing. Crazy.
Oh, to be as innocent as a child. What a gift.
2 Timothy 2:22
Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
I love to read your blogs. you write with honesty! I think you are pretty amazing bevens!
Brittany, I feel blessed that my sister hasn't been smacked in the face by all the crap in this world yet, but as an older sister, I am dreading the day that it happens...I feel like she's stayed innocent for so long, it's going to tear my heart out to see it taken from her. It makes me feel sick.
Anyways, you're awesome. I'll pray for your sister, you pray for mine. Ha.
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