Friday, July 24, 2009

London bound.

Today at two I will be boarding a plane and after a day of travel will eventually end up in London. I’m super pumped for our group (about 16 people) who are going on this mission’s trip. It’s definitely going to be an experience. We are doing a kids camp along with service projects and similar things in the afternoons. I know I’ll come back with a million stories about the actual work that God did through us there… but I’m also super excited for all the fun times that are bound to happen. There will be funny stories out the wazoo with the group of people that have been combined.

Our good times have already started since this morning a few of us decided to try to beat jet lag by waking up at 3 am so that it would be about 6 or 7 London time. We plan on sleeping on the long plane ride and this will hopefully go ahead and put our bodies on London time. Four of us decided instead of waking up at 3 on our own we would wake up and go eat breakfast together to try to wake ourselves up.
So this is what my morning has looked like so far:
-Woke up at 3:30 from a call from Lindsey because I slept through the other 5 alarms that went off.
-Drove to the Ihop on assembly and had a awesome breakfast with Tom, Lindsey and Ali (downed about 3 cups of coffee...)

-Drove to the state house
-For some reason it took us a while to find parking even though it was only 5 am… that tricky downtown parking will mess with you when you are sleep deprived.
-walked around the state house.
-filmed a video of Linds, tom & ali running up the stairs to eye of the tiger.
-walked to one of the parking garages on gervais
-woke up a homeless man (by accident) on the stairs and proceeded to take the elevator from there.
-sat on the top of the parking garage and waited for the sun rise

-it finally came and was beautiful and well worth the wait.

-drove to the river walk.
-walked the river walk.
-left the river walk.

So now I’m just hanging out (trying to keep my eyes open.) We are meeting at the church at 11 then we are off! I’m so excited. Please keep our team in your prayers!